Thursday, July 7 | By: Koreen
Someone mentioned framing their bathroom mirror and I thought "what a great idea. I bet it costs a fortune", since it seems my wants and likes always do, well at least they did. I started doing Google searches to see how much money everyone was spending on their fancy smancy framed mirrors (mostly so I could feel good about myself for not spending money on such things) and came across The House of Smiths blog. She made a beautiful frame to go around the mirror in her daughters bathroom AND she showed how to do it!! I was hooked. I worked some overtime at my job, got money in my hot little hand and drug my hubby to the local Lowes (just so he could carry the stuff I bought ;) ). I read and reread how to make the frame and jumped!! I learned how to use a miter saw (thanks for the lessons hubby) and not to paint in a dusty garage.... grrrr. And lookie what I made!! It is not perfect but that is okay. I did it and best of all... finished it and absolutely am amazed at the difference it made in my room!


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